How to Sanitize makeup

state you’ve just decluttered a whole lot of your makeup, as well as you’re planning on providing them away.  Or conversely, you took part in a swap, as well as you got carefully utilized makeup – exactly how do you sanitize makeup?

I’ve took part in MUA swaps method back in the day, as well as have provided away lots  of my makeup to friends. I generally keep my makeup in extremely clean condition, however it is still prudent to sanitize whatever before you provide them away. right here are some products you will need:

• 99% scrubing alcohol – higher alcohol material is preferable as it will have less water or filler; it will evaporate quicker as well as not change the makeup
• clean spray bottle
• retractable knife – I retain a retractable knife solely to utilize for makeup: to depot or eliminate pans from magnetic palettes, as well as for sanitizing (I clean the blade with 99% alcohol)
• non-linting tissue, paper towel, cotton pads
• ξύστρα
• clean cleanser
• ασετόν


• dip tube into 99% alcohol
• wipe tube with non-lint tissue or paper towel
• utilize sharp knife to cut about 2mm off the tip (refrigerating the tube overnight very first will assist to solidify the lipstick)


• wipe surface layer of product with non-lint tissue or paper towel
• lightly spray surface with 99% scrubing alcohol (this will not damage the product)


• sharpen off the ends, about 5 turns in a sharpener should get rid of any type of of the exposed tip
• to be additional sure, break off the existing tip as well as then sharpen the pencil back to a point


• deep clean utilizing whichever clean cleaner you prefer
• after the brushes are dried, spray 99% scrubing alcohol over the bristles

Nail polishes

• generally nail polishes stay rather sanitary because of its acetone content, however I like to wipe the clean in addition to the neck of the bottles clean of any type of hardened nail polish residue with nail polish remover

No-no items: these are products I will never provide away or switch for utilized since it’s impossible to sanitize them:
• Lip glosses with wands – I’m still wary about the capture type tubes however they’re more sanitary
• Concealer with wands (basically anything with doe-foot sponge tipped wands!)
• Mascaras
• liquid liners

I believe that even if you’re not providing away your makeup, it’s great method to sanitize your own makeup from time to time.  For instance, I like to clean the mouth of my nail polish bottles – this likewise enables the cap to type a tighter seal so the nail polish doesn’t dry out as fast.

What about you? Do you provide carefully utilized makeup away, or take part in swaps?  How do you sanitize your makeup?

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