Project focus 10: Clinique Pop Lip Colour in Bare Pop

Today’s Project focus 10’s review product is Clinique Pop Lip Colour in #02 Bare Pop:

I redeemed optimum points for this lipstick – typically it retails for $22 for 3.9g of product.

This lipstick formula has been on my wish list because it was launched in mid-2015. I initially wanted the colour #05 Melon Pop because it seemed to be the most popular shade at the time – I guess it made sense because it was summertime and a corally colour looked great against tanned skin. fast forward to November – I swatched Melon Pop and wasn’t feeling it. The colour looked plastic and unnatural on me.

So I evaluated a few other colours in the nude end of the spectrum and came away with Bare Pop. The colour isn’t so much nude as it is a MLBB shade – it has a neutral rosey tone with golden shimmers that I would imagine would flatter a lot of skin tones.

This shot is much more accurate for colour:

As for the formula, Clinique claims:

Luxurious yet weightless formula merges bold, saturated colour with a smoothing primer. Glides on effortlessly to a modern-velvet finish. Colour stays true, keeps lips conveniently moisturized for 8 hours.

I’m puzzled by Clinique’s claims, actually! This is NOT a bold, saturated colour. It’s certainly moisturizing and comfortable to wear. but it is NOT a velvet finish. On the site, it lists the shade Bare Pop as a “demi-matte” finish. Τι στο καλό? There’s no way in the current popular understanding of the word “matte” is this formula anywhere near demi-matte. It’s a shimmery, balmy lipstick with sheer to medium colour payoff. and while it does wear quite well for a balmy lip product (must be that built-in primer), I would not say it lasted 8 hrs – it lasted me around 4 hrs without eating / drinking.

Left was the brand new bullet, and best photo shows the current state.

However, I would say that despite the disconnect between the claims by Clinique against its actual performance, I really delight in wearing this lipstick! I was a bit uncertain about the shimmery finish at first, but it is a refined shimmer that gives the lips fullness and dimension. I did not feel any grit from the shimmer, and it wore off evenly (nothing worse than glitter in the corners of the mouth and in lip lines). I’ve been tossing this lipstick into my purse pretty regularly lately (and not just because of this project focus 10!) It’s a great everyday, no thinking required type of lip product; a step up from a tinted lip balm for me.

Of course, a MLBB type of shade is worthy of to be compared against others in my stash:

Από αριστερά προς τα δεξιά:
• urban Decay revolution in Rush*
• Shiseido ideal Rouge in PK303 Pink Mesa
• Mary Kay true dimensions Lipstick in Tuscan Rose
• Clinique Pop Lip Colour in Bare Pop
• Revlon ColorBurst Lip Butter in 001 Pink Truffle
• Elizabeth Arden exceptional Lipstick in 17 Breathless
* I *just* realized the shade I got is rush and NOT Rapture as I keep claiming. another case of the MUA grabbing the wrong shade and I didn’t notice until now. but I do really like the colour, so no harm, no foul!

The UD and Shiseido have the coolest tones in the range – they also offer the most coverage. Clinique Pop Colour’s pigmentation is just a tad much more than the Revlon Lip Butter. I do find that the Clinique’s long lasting power is far exceptional to that of the Revlon Lip Butters though – it doesn’t have that glossy slip that the Lip Butters have.  The Clinique is the shimmery-est of the bunch.

Left is the full size Pop Colour (Bare Pop) and best is the gwp one my friend gave me (in #13 love Pop)

The packaging is another noteworthy feature of the lipstick – a squared off, modern looking tube with a base that matches to the lipstick shade inside. I appreciate the effort but it’s a bit bulky in practice. The silver portion – the cap – actually makes a good reflective surface and, in a pinch, can double as a mirror for applying the lipstick.

Those who are sensitive to scents will rejoice, this lipstick is completely fragrance-free, although there is an initial waxy smell when first applied, it rapidly dissipates.  Interestingly, this product is made in Belgium. I’ve not owned anything made there before – neat!

• Creamy formula feels comfortable on the lips
• Shimmer adds dimension but does not feel gritty
• Hydrating formula – no need for lip balm beforehand
• Δεν έχει προστεθεί άρωμα

• Not as bold or demi-matte finish as described
• wears for 4 hrs (not 8 as claimed, but 4 hrs is still pretty good in my books)
• slightly bulky packaging


I’m thinking about getting #14 Plum Pop next! have you tried the Clinique Pop Lip Colour lipsticks yet?

Tidbits on other project focus 10 items:
• once again, I failed to use the Smashbox double exposure palette all week – I’ve been using the Lise Watier simply nude palette mostly, and then using my rediscovered MAC Woodwinked (I used to hate this colour but somehow it worksΓια μένα τώρα)
• Χρησιμοποιώντας ακόμα την αξιόπιστη Orly Bonder – δεν υπάρχουν πολύ περισσότερους peelies!
• Το L’Oreal ollumumous Butterfly Mascara έχει στις βλεφαρίδες μου πιθανώς 5 ημέρες από τις 7 επειδή το άνοιξα, θα το αξιολογήσω την επόμενη εβδομάδα

Παρακαλούμε να κάνετε check out my collab buddies μου για το έργο τους Focus 10 θέσεις:
♦ Ingrid of curly.spring.blossom
♦ Jodi από μια στάση Brash
♦ Απολαύστε το στυλ με χαρά

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