hello there, friend. pleased Saturday! Rosie woman sends wonderful greetings… This is her pleased face, I swear. ? Her body language states she likes me, however her RBF states otherwise,
hello there, friend. pleased Saturday! Rosie woman sends wonderful greetings… This is her pleased face, I swear. ? Her body language states she likes me, however her RBF states otherwise,
As you’ve seen in yesterday’s post, I’ve been hitting up all the Winners and Marshalls within a 10km radius of my home last month. I also checked out my much-loved
Let’s go over the struggle. The eternal Thanksgiving struggle. ΔΙΑΦΗΜΙΣΗ You see, it’s real, it’s absolutely legit, and it’s deadly serious. It usually manifests toward the end of the meal
FYI, IMO, applying mascara is a perishable skill. It is NOT like riding a bike, where once your brain makes the connections and you “get it,” you never forget it.
Happy Caturday από την ομάδα γυναικών αιλουροειδών (TCLC)! Όμορφη γυναίκα Rosie είναι μέλος της ομάδας MBB για λίγο περισσότερο από ένα μήνα τώρα, καθώς και οι δύο γυναίκες μου παίρνουν
Caturday, ακριβώς εδώ έρχεται! Καλημέρα, καθώς και χαρούμενος caturday! Ξύπνησα σήμερα το πρωί με το Rosie-Pose κρυμμένο δίπλα στο κεφάλι μου, σαν ένα μπερέ Torbie-στυλ. Είχατε ποτέ έναν ύπνο αιλουροειδών
After rather the delay with the publish office shipment (I believe royal Mail as well as Canada publish were equally to blame for this snafu!), I lastly got my legendary prize
Twirling into the weekend Γεια σου φίλε! welcome to another weekend. We made it…and, therefore, you are worthy of pancakes. ? because can one really consider Saturday Saturday if it
Κορίτσι, ελπίζω ότι οι γάτες σας αντιμετωπίζουν έτοιμες! Δεν θέλετε να είστε απροετοίμαστοι για την εθνική αγάπη την ημέρα κατοικίδιων ζώων σας, η οποία ήταν σήμερα, btw. Τώρα, θέλω να
good mornin’! happy Friday to you. ? I hope your day is getting off to a good start. Simply for discussion purposes, here are a few drugstore Neutrogena faves I’ve